Add and Delete Curves



Lines, polylines, and curves are called “curves” in Pilot3D, but there are different commands to create each type of entity.




These are curves. They must have at least three points, or the program will automatically change it to a straight line.




Creating or adding a new curve entity


Select the Curve-Add Curve command to create a curve. Enter the edit points by clicking on the LEFT mouse button. To terminate the curve, click on the RIGHT mouse button.


You can define another curve right away. You do not have to select the Add Curve command again.




Editing the shape of a curve


Notice that curves are defined by edit (+) points. You change the shape of the curve by moving the position of the edit points with the Edit-Move Point command. If you right-click on the edit point, you can set the value of the [X,Y,Z] coordinates.




Deleting a curve entity


To delete a curve, select the Curve-Delete Curve command andpick on the curve anywhere between any two edit points.